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Dot Buff Highest Tower Dmg Per Gme: How to Achieve the Best Results with Different Heroes

Writer's picture: payrardiaprisupnanpayrardiaprisupnan

When hitting the GROUND, a Puddle is created, simillar to Sticky Goo; applying the following debuff to touching enemies. This effect ends when the enemy leaves the puddle's area of effect and it stacks with direct hit corrosion:

Dot Buff Highest Tower Dmg Per Gme

Hephaistos will then cast Natural Alignment. Two players of the samerole will be inflicted with the debuff, and healers should make sure these twoplayers do not die to the damage over time. At the same time, the two melee jobsthat were designated to "flex" for the upcoming Trifire and Difreeze mechanicswill automatically know where to go. Hephaistos will then cast TwistNature, marking the debuffed players and making them show the next set ofmechanics.

The two debuffed players will move up to ensure they are not in the path ofthe spread or stack mechanic. Look at the graphic above the debuffed player'shead to see whether it is spread or stack. If it's spread, use quickmarchpositions or clock positions from phase one to spread the AoE. If it's stack,the party should by default stack on the left side of the arena.

The other mechanic will then resolve at the same time as the boss castsAshing Blaze. This means that the second stack or spread needs to be onone half of the arena. The two debuffed players will be together at the veryNorth of the arena. If it's stack, the party will stack on the safe side, and ifit's spread, the party will line up with quickmarch positions on the safe sideon one column per role. Make sure to come in to receive healing before spreadingout. After the first set of mechanics are done, return to the middle for thefire and ice Twist Nature mechanics.

For Forcible Difreeze and Forcible Trifire, the two debuffedplayers will always stay in the centre of the Northern two rows, moving intothe row that is safe from End of Days. All other players will adjusttheir positions based on this, with supports defaulting on the left side andDPS defaulting on the right side.

For Forcible Trifire, the melee jobs of the role not chosen will beNorth or South of the debuffed players depending on which row is safe. Have oneplayer in each two-person stack be further out to bait the stack AoE, and oneplayer on the inside as to not bait any other stack AoEs.

For Forcible Difreeze, the designated flex player will move to the otherside to bait the stack AoE. The other melee player should be on the inside baitingtheir AoE. Be slightly further than the middle of the square to ensure thedebuffed player is not hit. The other two players should try to be further awayto not accidentally bait an AoE as well.

After the first mechanic, the opposite mechanic will happen with the otherrow being safe, so make sure to heal up, mitigate, and do the other mechanic inthe other row. For example, if it was Difreeze first with the first row safe, itwill then be Trifire second with the second row safe. After both mechanics aredone, return to the middle and heal up for another Aioniopyr. Both tanksshould be stacked pre-emptively to deal with the autos and another Tyrant'sUnholy Darkness. Heal up and get ready for the first intermission,High Concept. This deals massive damage and inflicts all players withdebuffs.

The goal of High Concept 1 is to conceptualize creations to deal with ArcaneControl towers. When players are damaged by Imperfection explosions, theywill receive a Perfection buff corresponding to the type they were damaged by.After a few seconds, standing close to another player with a Perfection bufffor around two seconds will fuse the alchemical creations, creating a Conception.However, overlapping Imperfection hits, creating incorrect Conceptions, and fusingPerfection debuffs and Conceptions will all result in a wipe.

First, all players will spread to their pre-determined positions based on whatdebuff they originally received. Stay in the middle for a second to cast andreceive heals before fanning out to the corners of the arena.

Next, two players with Perfection buffs will need to conceptualize the correctConception buff to soak the Arcane Control tower. At the same time, theboss will cast Ashing Blaze, so all players must stand on one side of thearena. To see which players are fusing buffs in the middle, look at the graphicon top of their head. If one of their three elements matches, they will go fuse.Spread out loosely to coordinate who is going to the North tower and who is goingto the South tower.

Additionally, players need to keep track of what Perfection buffs were used tofuse. This is because the goal of the Splicer players is to be hit by anImperfection explosion to duplicate the Perfection buff. The Multisplicer playerwill stack with the first one clockwise, and the Supersplicer will stack withthe first one counterclockwise. The player that had the unused Perfection willgo back to their original spot. Finally, the two players in the tower will moveto the safe corner to not get hit by any explosions. Once the towers have beensoaked, head to the second explosion spots.

Again, players with Perfection buffs will need to conceptualize the correctbuff. However, this time there are four towers of the same element. As the samePerfection buff cannot combine with each other, players will need to fuse withsomeone with a different buff. To do this, have the players with long Imperfectionbuffs take the South two towers and the players who did not have the longImperfection buffs take the North two towers. This will ensure that the correctbuffs are created. After fusing, soak the towers and dodge Ashing Blaze.Make sure the other players are spread out to not accidentally create anotherConception.

Each player is targeted by an AoE in order. This will inflict a magic vulnerabilityup debuff that expires right before a tower explodes. However, as it expiresthey will additionally be targeted with a large ground AoE. Therefore, each playertakes an AoE, baits a ground AoE, and soaks a tower in the order. The baitedAoE should be baited in the corner of the square the tower spawns in, and towerscan spawn in the first three rows only.

Players should only move once they have been hit by their AoE in order, andthey should move closer to their tower in order on the inside two columns. It isimpossible to have an AoE cover someone else's tower, so ensure that you dodgeother player's AoEs before baiting yours. Additionally, avoid baiting these AoEswhere a player's path to the inside would be blocked off.

After all towers have been soaked, return to the middle with tanks stacked foranother Aioniopyr. This is followed by two autos into Tyrant's UnholyDarkness, so make sure to mitigate and move apart. Again, an invuln can be usedto save single-target cooldowns for the next Natural Alignment. Stacktogether again afterwards.

The second Natural Alignment differs slightly from the first one. Thestack or spread mechanic is cast with End of Days instead of AshingBlaze, and the mechanics can be reversed via Inverse Magicks. Whatthis means is that when a player with both the Natural Alignment and the InverseMagicks debuffs shows a mechanic over their head, it will be the opposite one.Either one player or both players are inflicted with the Inverse Magicksdebuff, so make sure to check if the mechanic set is inverse or not.

The first set of mechanics will always be spread and stack in one row, and thenthe other mechanic in the other row. For spread, use pre-assigned positions. Thepositions from Octaflare from phase one work, or assign new positions. Forstack, make sure all players are far away from the Natural Alignment debuffedplayers. Check if the mechanic is inverse before doing it.

The goal of High Concept 2 is to conceptualize creations to deal with ArcaneControl towers, as well as conceptualize the Immortal Conception to surviveEgo Death, granting the Everburn buff that doubles damage dealt.

Again, two players with Perfection buffs will need to conceptualize the correctConception buff to soak the Arcane Control tower. At the same time, theboss will cast Ashing Blaze, so all players must stand on one side of thearena. To see which players are fusing buffs in the middle, look at the graphicon top of their head. If one of their three elements matches, they will go fuse.Spread out loosely to coordinate who is going to the North tower and who is goingto the South tower.

For the second spread, the long Imperfection debuffs will head to their assignedcorners. The five other players will head to the safe corner and loosely spread,making sure not to Conceptualize while location their position to bait Endof Days.

Arcane Control will spawn four towers at intercardinals in the centre.However, all players will already know the other player they are fusing with asit is pre-determined. Alpha and Beta will fuse on the East side of the arena tocreate a Winged Conception, while Gamma and the unused buff from the previousset will fuse on the West side of the arena. Loosely spread to coordinate whichplayer is heading to which tower.

At the same time, the four players with Conceptions from the previous set willhave to bait End of Days tethers. They will have to run to the very edgeof the cardinal they were designated: the North tower takes North, the Southtower takes South, and the Fiery Conception players take East and West. Oncetethered, go two squares counterclockwise to ensure that the AoE does not hitany player in the middle soaking towers. 2ff7e9595c

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