In this stage, the country is backward and is characterised by high birth and death rates with the result that the growth rate of population is low. People mostly live in rural areas and their main occupation is agriculture which is in a state of backwardness. There are a few simple, light and small consumer goods industries.
The Death of Stock and the rise of UGC.
In this stage, the fertility rate declines and tends to equal the death rate so that the growth rate of population declines. As growth gains momentum and people cross the subsistence level of income, their standard of living rises.
A proponent of the doctrine of fear, he believed that the battle station and its planet-killing superweapon would terrify the galaxy into total submission. At Tarkin's command the Core World Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star, instantly killing billions of Alderaanians. Tarkin ultimately perished, however, when the Alliance to Restore the Republic succeeded in destroying the station at the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. As a result, his memory was tarnished in the views of some Imperial officers, such as Grand General Cassio Tagge, who referred to the Death Star as "Tarkin's folly." Princess Leia Organa remembered Tarkin as the man who destroyed her adopted homeworld and family long after his death. The First Order, having risen to power as the Empire's successor opposing the New Republic, commemorated Tarkin's memory in an effort to portray Imperial leaders in a more heroic light.
Convinced of Tano's guilt,[11] at the trial, Tarkin stated he would prove Tano guilty of the Jedi Temple bombing and the murder of her cohorts, and requested the death penalty be used when Tano was found guilty. Senator Amidala argued that if Tano were truly guilty she would not have made the evidence against herself so obvious, particularly when Turmond was killed right before giving up vital information. Tarkin doubted this claim and mentioned that Tano had been seen collaborating with the known Separatist terrorist Asajj Ventress after she had escaped Republic custody.[30] Eventually, the arguments were concluded and the jury reached a verdict. But before Chancellor Palpatine could read the verdict aloud to the courtroom, Skywalker and several Jedi Temple Guards arrived with Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee. Offee confessed to the bombing and the murder of Letta Turmond, continuing with a speech that protested against what the Jedi Order became during the Clone Wars.[30] Tarkin was not surprised that the responsible individual for the killings was a Jedi, which only served to reinforce his already negative opinion on the Jedi Order. Yet he did seem surprised to be proven wrong about Ahsoka after all, though didn't admit it.[11] All charges against Ahsoka Tano were dropped, but she refused to rejoin the Jedi due to her distrust of the Order.[30]
The Battle of Yavin stunned the galaxy, and nearly all blame for the Empire's defeat was placed on Tarkin. Tarkin's overconfidence in the Death Star caused him to forgo a naval escort, and, with the exception of the single squadron launched by Vader, no TIE fighters were deployed to defend the station. Nevertheless, the Grand Moff was no longer alive, so he could not defend himself.[85] The destruction of the Death Star and Tarkin's subsequent death left a gap in the Imperial High Command, which paved the way for Cassio Tagge's rise to power as Grand General. As one of the staunchest critics of the Death Star and Tarkin's policies, Tagge derisively referred to the station as "Tarkin's folly," believing the Empire had wasted time and resources that could have been put towards the construction of more capital ships. Darth Vader, despite being left with the blame for the station's destruction, nonetheless regarded Tarkin posthumously for his vision, as opposed to Tagge's more practical methods.[86] 2ff7e9595c